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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Introduction to Rational

Introduction To Rational


Requisite Pro




Purify, Quantify, Pure Coverage









1) Requisite Pro


RequisitePro lets you organize, prioritize, trace relationships, and easily track changes to your requirements.


RequisitePro combines both document-centric and database-centric approaches. By deeply integrating Microsoft Word with a multi-user database.


The program’s unique architecture and dynamic links make it possible for you to move easily between the requirements in the database and their presentation in Word documents.

Why Use RequisitePro?


Team Collaboration and User Satisfaction


A product development team typically includes a large number of individuals with diverse roles, such as business analysts, project leaders, product marketing managers, development managers, QA managers, developers, and testers.


each person on your team has access to critical requirements information and is able to manage those requirements, team efficiency and effectiveness are promoted and project risk is reduced.


Flexibility Through the Web Component


RequisiteWeb offers a Web-based client for RequisitePro.


RequisiteWeb allows users to access RequisitePro requirements information across an intranet. By using browsers—Netscape Navigator

or Microsoft Internet Explorer—RequisiteWeb provides a thin client solution to access project documents and data. No Rational application-specific files need to be installed on the user’s machine.


Using RequisiteWeb, you can modify the name, text, and attributes of requirements directly in the database and from within documents, and you can create, delete, and query requirements and assign new parents to them.


following are the main features of RequisiteWeb:

- Viewing documents
- Modifying requirements (in documents or database)

- Creating requirements in the database

- Setting your own user password

- Viewing, modifying, and creating hierarchical relationships

- Creating traceability links within and across projects

- Filtering and sorting requirements

- Creating and replying to discussions


Change Management


Change occurs in practically every development project, but it does not have to

consume project resources or throw the project off course.


RequisitePro enable you to establish and maintain dependencies between different requirements. As change occurs, these traceability relationships are flagged as suspect, so you can understand how change affects the entire project.


For each requirement a change history is maintained, capturing the who, what, when, and why of the change.


Comprehensive Process Support


RequisitePro can help you meet your objectives of delivering precise, quality software. RequisitePro provides industry standard project templates and attributes.


it can also import existing documents and be customized to support existing projects.


Whether your team follows a rigorous requirements management process, such as IEEE, SEI CMM, or Unified Modeling Language-driven use-case approaches, or is just beginning to define a formal process, RequisitePro can help you meet your objectives

A Quick Tour of Key Concepts in RequisitePro


overview of RequisitePro concepts and defines some terms that will help you get started.


Requirement Type

Requirement Attributes


Project Database

Project Version Control

Project List




Document Type

Hierarchical Relationships

Traceability Relationships

Suspect Relationships

2) Rose


Rational Rose provides support for two essential elements of modern software engineering: component-based development and controlled iterative development.


Rational Rose’s model-diagram architecture facilitates use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), Component Object Modeling (COM), Object Modeling Technique (OMT), and Booch ‘93 method for visual modeling.


Visual modeling is the mapping of real world processes of a system to a graphical representation. Models are useful for understanding problems, communicating with everyone involved with the project (customers, domain experts, analysts, designers, etc.), modeling complex systems,


As software systems become more complex, we cannot understand them in their entirety. To effectively build a complex system, the developer begins by looking at the big picture without getting caught up in the details. A model is an ideal way to portray the abstractions of a complex problem by filtering out nonessential details.


Diagrams :
- UseCase Diagrams
- Seqence Diagrams
- Class Diagram
- State Transition Diagram
- Component Diagram
- Deploymnet Diagram


Rational Rose is the visual modeling software solution that lets you create, analyze, design, view, modify, and manipulate components.


Rational Rose provides the collaboration diagram as an alternative to a use-case diagram.




Rational Rose provides the following features to facilitate the analysis, design, and iterative construction of your applications:

Use-Case Analysis

_ Object-Oriented Modeling

_ User-Configurable Support for UML, COM, OMT, and Booch ‘93

_ Semantic Checking

_ Support for Controlled Iterative Development

_ Round-Trip Engineering

_ Parallel Multiuser Development Through Repository and Private Support

_ Integration with Data Modeling Tools

_ Documentation Generation

_ Rational Rose Scripting for Integration and Extensibility

_ OLE Linking

_ OLE Automation

_ Multiple Platform Availability

3) Purify, Quantify, Pure Coverage


Collecting Diagnostic Information During Playback


Rational Diagnostic Tools To :

- Perform runtime error checking
- Profile Application Performance
- Analyze code coverage during playback


Rational Purify :


Automatically pinpoints runtime errors & memory leacks in all components of application and ensures that code is reliable.


Rational Quantify :


Performance Profiler


Provides Application performance Analysis


Rational Pure Coverage


Code Coverage Analysis Tool


Provides details application Analysis


Prevanting untested code from reaching the end user.

4) Robot


Rational Robot is a complete set of components for automating the testing of

Microsoft Windows client/server and Internet applications running under

Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, and Windows Me.


The main component of Robot lets you start recording tests in as few as two mouse clicks. After recording, Robot plays back the tests in a fraction of the time it would take to repeat the actions manually.


Use Robot to:

Perform full functional testing. Perform full performance testing

Create and edit scripts using the SQABasic and VU scripting environments.

Test applications developed with IDEs Collect diagnostic information about an application during script playback.


The Object-Oriented Recording technology in Robot lets you generate scripts by simply running and using the application-under-test.

5) ClearCase


Central Repository for storing all articles


Maintains Software Version Control


Allows Developers to work in parallel by giving them their individual workspaces


Integrate all the changed code into baselines


Ability to tack changes


Manage the supporting files for each script

6) ClearQuest


Is a change-reuest management tool


Tracks and manages defects and changes requests througout the development process


Manage every type of change activity associated with software development


Submit defect directly from the Test Manager log or Site Check


Modify and Track defects and change-request


Analyze projects progress by running queries, charts, and reports.

7) SoDA


Use SoDA to create reports that extracts information from one or more tools in Rational Suite.
eg. You can use SoDA to retrieve information from different information sources such as Test Manager to create documents or reports


Reports :
- Analysis Documents
- Design Documnets
- Test Documnets
- Status Reports

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